马来西亚#文爱 A fourth dimension to film 4D影院引颈看片新潮水
发布日期:2024-10-07 15:06 点击次数:186媒体英语会带人人沿途学习 BBC 撰稿东谈主在报谈天下大事频繁用到的单词和短语马来西亚#文爱。
英国首家 4D影院施展对外通达。影迷一又友们可在此体会这项最新韩国 4D电影期间。不雅众在影院中不错通过感觉、感觉、视觉和听觉多角度的感受影片故事,将以往的电影院阅历进步到了一个全新层面。4D影院会一举得胜?仍是会遭逢3D影片低上座率的前程?请听 Victoria Cook 为 BBC发来的报谈。
Chairs move - so every bump is felt during car chases. There are rumbles as dinosaurs pass by马来西亚#文爱, and puffs of air mean bullets are narrowly escaped as they whizz past your head. There's smoke, bubbles and as creatures emerge from the sea, no one escapes a drenching.
For romance I don't think it would work but an action film - it's going to be the bee's knees.
Some tourist attractions here in the UK do have 4D cinemas马来西亚#文爱, but they show short bespoke films not Hollywood movies. 4D is more expensive and may be popular at first, but whether it's here to stay - and how this story ends - is now in the hands of the audience.
creatures动物 drenching全身湿透 the bee's knees极好的,与众不同的 bespoke订制的,特制的 in the hands of在(影迷)的掌控中