

拳交 “东谈主工智能将更多电影带向天下各地”

发布日期:2024-09-25 13:13    点击次数:103

拳交 “东谈主工智能将更多电影带向天下各地”

  8月15日,2024年天下后生发展论坛文化传承与革命主题论坛在湖南省长沙市举办。在“后生对话”才略拳交,来自为比里亚、英国、好意思国、印度和中国的后生代表共享了他们对“新期间: 文化传承和革命的驱能源”这一主题的念念考和观点。




  AI enables more movies to reach across the world

  2024 World Youth Development Forum Thematic Forum on Cultural Inheritance and Innovation was held in Changsha, Hunan province on August 15. In the "Youth Dialogue" part, youth delegates from Liberia, the UK, the US, India and China shared their views about the topic "New Technologies: Drivers for Cultural Inheritance and Innovation”.

  Christopher Lee Dennis is an independent filmmaker from the United States. In his view, film is a "story close to ourselves"; and whenever he watches a non-English film, he has to stare at the subtitles for reference. Since dubbing can cause some incoordination of "speaking Chinese with English lip movements”, Christopher believes that using AI to convert languages and lip movements can allow audiences to better understand the movies. "So that people quite get the full film", he said.

  Attending the 2024 Global Development Youth Pioneer Exchange Camp, Christopher hopes to exchange ideas on AI with other delegates,"AI would allow us to get more movies out across the world, and allow more people to understand movies in their own language.”

  (拍摄:傅瑞 编订:傅瑞 案牍:傅瑞 余冰玥)拳交

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